Yescom 1HP 3432GPH 750W Sump Pump Review

August, 2020 Update: The 3432GPH seems to be discontinued. Instead, the Yescom 1HP 3434GHP 750W is still being sold – pumping out an extra 2 gallons per hour. To help you, we have changed our affiliate links in this article to that model.

If you are looking for a new sump pump, you may have come across the Yescom 1HP 3432GPH 750W Water Pump. This product is doing quite well on the market, so let’s see why that is.

This Yescom product comes with a 1HP oil-cooled electric motor, a very powerful motor indeed. It is a heavy-duty motor that can run 23 feet underwater. This 750W water pump has a maximum flow of 3432 gallons per hour.

Because it is designed for depths well below the surface, it has a 25 feet power cord. It is 16.3 inches long, 9.7 inches wide, and 8 inches deep.

This water pump has rugged weather-resistant construction and it can withstand rust and other kinds of wear and tear.

It uses a float switch, that has an automatic shut-off mechanism. Its discharge pipe has a diameter of 1″,G1″,1-1/4″,G1-1/2 from up to down.

Also, this sump pump has an automotive thermal overload option for safe operation, it prevents the pump from burning out.

Easy to install and use. This sump pump is portable, can be used for pools, ponds, and fountains.

Let’s weigh the good with the bad, and see if you should buy this water pump.

What’s good about this sump pump?

As always, we judge whether something is good based on the price you pay.

This is one of the cheaper Yescom products. For a very good price, you get a powerful heavy-duty motor. We must commend Yescom on this motor. It’s by far more powerful than the usual water pumps for home-usage.

This is a sump pump that is meant to be used for deeper basins. In fact, it’s more efficient if you add several inches of depth. In addition, you get a 25 feet power cord.

It has various uses. This is a portable sump pump; you can use it for dirty and clean water. In fact, many people buy it mainly for their pools.

We must give points for durability and reliability. This Yescom product can last for years, especially if you take care of it. And it’s easy to maintain in good shape.

Yescom thought about safety when designing this water pump. It has 2 safety shut-off options. One for the float switch, it automatically stops the water pump at a certain level, and one for the motor, a thermal overload that shuts off the pump when it gets too hot.

Also, this sump pump is energy efficient. The high-efficiency motor will save you a lot of money during the rainy season.

So these are the pros, but before you can make a buying decision, let’s first see what we didn’t like about this sump pump.

What’s bad about this sump pump?

At first, it looks like this water pump does not have anything bad about it, but at a closer look, we found some problems.

For a powerful motor, its maximum flow is not that perfect. Many of the less powerful water pumps have a better flow than 3432 gallons per hour. Of course, this pump is designed for bigger depths, but 3432 gallons per hour is not preferable to some home-owners.

Even though Yescom says that this water pump needs low maintenance, we have found that statement to not be true. You still need regularly to clean your water pump. However, it is very easy to clean, so that is not that big of a problem.

Users have found that it does not clear the whole basin. Usually, there are 8 inches of water left that the pump can’t clear. This may cause mold problems in your basement. However, Yescom made this pump specifically for pools and ponds.

This sump pump lacks debris protection. So far, buyers didn’t complain about debris problem. However, even if a sump pump lacks debris protection, if you install it the right way, debris still won’t get in.

This Yescom product can be quite noisy. Keep that in mind, if you want a quiet sump pump.

Also, many buyers complain that the pump can’t be used with a garden hose. You may need to buy additional items so the pump can work as it should.

That’s all about the bad side of this water pump. Let’s reach a conclusion.

Our verdict

All in all, this is a very good sump pump. However, it’s not for every home.

The price is great for a product that can do so much. It’s hard to find a motor that good for that kind of money.

Reliable and durable, 25 feet cord, heavy-duty motor, 2 safety options. It’s hard to say that this is a bad water pump. You may need to buy additional parts, but it will not be that expensive.

We highly recommend buying this water pump but be careful what you will use it for. If you have a small basin, this sump pump is not for you. This water pump is best when used for pools and ponds.

That is all, hope you find this helpful.