How Fast Does Mold Grow After A Water Leak?

Mold is that useful fungus that nature needs but we don’t want it growing in our house. Looking at mold as our enemy, you would want to know how long does it take for mold to grow after a water leak.

Under the right conditions, it takes 24-48 hours for a single mold to grow. However, you are still not able to see it. It takes 3-12 days for mold to colonize, and after 18-21 the mold becomes visible.

There are many different kinds of mold, the time for each one to grow differs. Stick around to find out more.

What actually is mold?

Molds are fungi that grow colonies, not a singular cell organism. They play a crucial part in nature, without them there would be no decay. They are not able to produce food, so they must find a food source.

Molds feed on organic material. That is the way they destroy organic matter. While feeding, they destroy the material, moving on the next food source that can find. That is why you don’t want mold growing in your house.

Not only that they destroy material, but they can be a health hazard too. Mold can cause headaches, skin irritation, and breathing issues. You should be on the lookout for black mold, it is the most dangerous kind.

The least dangerous kind of mold is white mold. Usually, nothing happens when inhaled but people with breathing issues can have problems if exposed for a long time to it.

Usually, every kind of mold has the same kind of effect. You have to be exposed to the mold for a long time before having health problems. However, even small quantities can be a danger to infants and pregnant women.

Even though you can regularly find mold somewhere, it still needs specific conditions in order to grow.

How does mold grow?

The main ingredient for mold growth is moisture. In really dry areas mold can’t grow. Every single kind of mold needs moisture in order to grow. However, only moisture isn’t enough.

As we said mold needs a food source. Of course, the food in your house is the usual problem, however, molds can find an alternative source of food.

Mold can use wallpaper, ceiling tiles, wooden products, carpets, cardboard, drywall, foods, plants, and any kind of organic material it can find. If you are dealing with water damage, the walls would likely be your biggest issue.

Molds multiply by spores, not visible to the naked eye, seeds travel through the air. That is why you need to be sensitive to air smell, not only the material in your house.

There is one more ingredient to mold growth, the right temperature. Mold can’t grow in temperatures below 39 degrees Fahrenheit. There are kinds of mold that survive these temperatures but they can’t be found in your home.

Also, mold can’t grow in temperatures above 104 degrees Fahrenheit. However, if mold isn’t able to grow that does not mean that it is dead. Mold stays alive in a dormant state.

Make sure you eliminate the ideal conditions for mold growth. One of the best things you can do is to manage the humidity of your house with a dehumidifier.

Mold after water damage

Now, all of this looks very dangerous but chances are, you will not get mold if there isn’t any water leak or water damage. Homeowners are cautious of mold when there is water damage present.

If your house sustained water damage, that means that mold may form in 24-48 hours. If you act fast you can stop mold growth from expanding.

The biggest concern for you is eliminating moisture. If you are lucky, mold may have not even formed yet, so you will solve your issue quickly.

However, if you don’t act in the first 48 hours, the mold will be on its way to forming colonies. If the mold started a colony, you will notice a certain earthy scent. That means that mold already is on something, and is destroying organic matter.

Without the smell, you won’t be able to see the mold before the first 18-21 days. That’s how long it usually takes for mold to be visible to the naked eye. Even if you locate where the mold is that does not mean that it isn’t forming somewhere else.

Don’t lose hope yet, you may not be too late. Small amounts of visible mold can be eliminated with bleach and water detergent. However, if there is a big area, you will need to call a professional.

There is a way you can prevent and clean mold from forming. You need to clean the water, eliminate the moisture source, dehumidify the air, and destroy any molds formed.

That’s everything you should know about mold growth. Good luck with solving your mold problems.

Related questions

Will mold in walls die?

If there isn’t any moisture, the mold that formed will not be able to reproduce. However, the spores will still be alive. If you leave mold like these, future exposure to moisture will bring the mold to life. Also, it is a health hazard.

Can you paint over mold?

Usually, you can’t. Mold will still grow under the paint and you will not be able to notice it. However, there is a paint primer specifically designed for killing mold. Check nearby stores for mold killing primer.