Water Damaged Ceiling Repair Cost

Water leaks are a nasty thing to deal with. Even when the leak is stopped, you’re probably left with a damaged ceiling that just doesn’t look right. Besides the unpleasant look, there is a high chance for mold growth. That’s why a water damaged ceiling has to be repaired as soon as possible.

I guess you’re aware of the necessity of repairing a damaged ceiling, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. However, money is a concern for you. You would want to know how much it will cost you to repair the ceiling. Look no further, you’re in the right place. We’ll be going over everything you should about the costs of repairing a damaged ceiling after a leak.

The repair cost depends on a couple of things. The variables that most affect the price are the ceiling material and the size of the damage done to it. Who will be doing the repairs matters too. If you’re doing it yourself it will only cost you the replacement parts and some of your time. Professional help will cost more but it’s worth it. Painting the ceiling adds to the cost, not necessary in some cases though. Professionals on average charge 40-60$ per square foot with the materials included in the price.

Every situation is different and repair costs are not universal of course. So, keep reading for the thorough guide, you will find the cost for your situation.

What do ceiling repairs consist of?

Let’s see what most professionals do while repairing ceilings. Even if you decide to repair the ceiling yourself, this will paint a better picture of how the process is done.

The repairs can go two ways depending on how damaged the ceiling is. Small discolored spots and small water marks don’t take a lot of work. On the other hand, holes in the ceiling or ceilings that may be minutes from coming down are harder to fix. Small damages only need restoration while badly damaged ceilings need replacement.

Ceiling repairs usually start with inspecting the damage done to the wall. This includes checking for water or moisture in parts that haven’t shown visible water damage. A professional would also check for mold and offer mold cleaning before starting with the repairs.

Then, the damaged part is measured so it should fit with the replacement. That part is removed and any debris is cleaned out. Depending on the material different tools are used. Now your ceiling is ready for the replacement part.

The process of installing the replacement also differs for each material. For instance, drop tiles ceilings are easier and cheaper to repair. Other materials like drywall and plaster take longer to repair. Drop tiles are just replaced, drywall ceilings need to be cut and then reworked.

In the end, your ceiling is repainted for a finishing touch. This all should take to 4-8 hours, depending on the size of the damaged part. Before you know it, you will have a ceiling that’s pleasant to look at. A nicely done job means that the ceiling will look like it never had any water damage.

Estimated repair cost

As I said many times before, how much money you will spend on ceiling repairs depends on the material. We’ll go over the usual materials used for ceilings. Feel free to skip the materials that don’t concern you. That is, of course, if you aren’t planning on replacing the whole ceiling.

Drywall replacement

Now, because many things can go wrong with a drywall ceiling, the cost of repairing it depends on the size of the damage. For instance, hairline cracks and nail holes are less expensive to repair and don’t require a replacement. On the other hand, holes and other big damages from leaks require a replacement and therefore are more expensive.

Professionals will charge their hourly rate for ceiling repairs that don’t need replacement drywall. Repairs like this can be done only in 2 hours. On average, professionals charge 40$-100$ per hour for small repairs. It all depends on the kind of materials that are used and the expertise of the worker.

Ceilings badly damaged from water leaks are charged by per square foot. On average, the cost comes down to 50$-60$ per square foot. Of course, the labor and materials are included in the price. There are some workarounds for this. If you’re going the DIY way, only a drywall replacement is needed which costs 8$-15$. The price is for an 8-foot sheet of drywall.

In addition, you can find a handyman that will charge you his hourly rate but you will be buying the drywall. Getting an estimate for the average handyman rate per hour is kind of tricky. For some a handyman is only a second job so they have lower charges. And, of course, if you have a friend which is a handyman, the cost is significantly lower for you.

Drop tile replacement

Ceilings with drop tiles are usually the easiest and least expensive to repair. Professionals will still charge you their usual hourly rate. However, seeing as how replacements are cheap and repairing doesn’t take much time, the cost is low.

The price mostly depends on the type of the drop tiles. Mineral fiber drop tiles are the most common among houseowners. Wood Veneer tiles are the most expensive, but most pleasant to look at. The type of the drop tiles doesn’t change the hourly rate of the worker.

As I said before, the cost of professional help is 40$-100$ per hour. Mineral fiber drop tiles cost 2$-5$ per square foot. Tin drop tiles cost 3$-4$ per square foot. PVC drop tiles are the cheapest with a price of 1$-3$ per square foot. The most expensive, wood veneer drop tiles cost from 3$-16$.

Because drop tiles are the easiest to replace, I highly recommend thinking twice about hiring a handyman. Repairing your ceiling will cost nothing compared to the other materials if you can replace the tiles yourself.

Plaster ceiling repair

Plaster ceilings are the most complicated to repair. It’s isn’t as simple as installing a replacement drywall. Repairing the water damaged plaster takes expertise and time. The work is exhausting even for professionals.

Because a plaster ceiling requires excellent finishing, most professionals charge per hour or per square foot. It takes a lot of time and a fine touch for the ceiling to be the same level, so it may cost you more compared to the other types of ceiling. On average it costs 60$-85$ per square foot or the hourly rate of handyman to repair a plaster ceiling.

Popcorn ceiling repair

Like the plaster ceiling, popcorn ceiling is also expensive to repair. It’s not as exhausting as the plaster ceiling but it takes longer to repair. Because of the expensive materials and needed expertise, professionals charge more for popcorn ceilings.

The average charge is 70$-90$ per square foot. The materials used are included in the price. Same as the with the other types of ceiling, handymen charge their usual hourly rate. Keep in mind that popcorn ceilings take some time to repair and the cost may be bigger.

So, we went over the cost of repairing the common types of ceiling. Repairing will cost you what was listed above, more or less. There are still some things to know, keep reading to get a more precise estimate.

Additional costs

I’m sure all of you know that with everything there are additional costs. Especially with repairs, problems can arise and all of a sudden you need to pay more. Some homeowners got used to this, so they put money on the side just for these cases.

Additional costs with repairing water damage are common. Mostly because there may be water in the ceiling that you didn’t notice. So, instead of the square feet you calculated, more are required. Missing the source of the leak and the need to repair that too is also very common with water damages.

So, without further ado, let’s see what are the additional costs of repairing damaged ceilings from water leaks.

Repainting the ceiling

Repairing is necessary with most cases of water damage. Some companies include the painting in their initial price. Others offer painting for a certain amount in addition to the repairing cost. Of course, you choose how much of the ceiling will be repainted. Most go with repainting the whole ceiling for a nicer look.

Now, if the handyman is crafty enough so he will fit the colors of the replacement with the rest of the wall, no need for repainting. However, this is quite difficult to do and most professionals will offer repainting the whole ceiling.

In some cases, there will be discoloration on different parts of the ceiling. Then, repainting is a must. Fortunately, in these cases there is no need for replacement parts.

Professionals charge per the hour or per square foot for painting. On average, the cost of painting a ceiling comes down to 1$-2$ per square foot. Of course, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to opt for painting.

Cleaning mold

Water damage is the most common cause of mold growth in households. Mold requires a certain atmosphere in order to form. The main ingredient for mold growth is moisture. You may think that there is no food source for mold growth in the damaged room, but believe me there is some.

The problem with mold is that it’s very tricky. You may not notice it in the damaged part but mold may have formed in an entirely different area because of the moisture. That’s why most professionals offer to check and clean for mold. For a price of course.

On average it costs 10$-25$ for mold remediation. If there is no mold above your ceiling, the handyman will only charge you the time it took him to check. A discount may be offered if the handyman will do other repairs.

Damaged plumbing

I know homeowners sigh when they hear damaged plumbing but bear with me. Most ceilings are damaged because of a plumbing leak. Now, you may think you have dealt with the leak but it can sneak up on you.

Handymen want to be sure there is no chance for the leak to reoccur before starting with the repairs. They will usually ask you if you hired someone to stop the leak or did it yourself. If you fixed the leak yourself, the handyman will check in order to be sure. Also, the handyman may notice some plumbing damage while fixing the ceiling.

It is not a rare thing for homeowners to come upon additional costs because of plumbing damages. I can’t stress this enough, make sure that there is no chance for the leak to reoccur before proceeding with the ceiling repairs.

Damaged roof

The other cause of water leaks in ceilings is a damaged roof. I’m sure you are responsible homeowners and checked for this but you can’t ever be sure. Same as with the damaged plumbing, the handyman will check the roof.

If there is a chance for the leak to occur again while raining, the handyman will not proceed with repairing the ceiling. Most likely, he will offer to fix the roof or tell you to hire the needed professional.

Damaged floor

Now, if you didn’t catch the leak soon enough, the dripping water may have damaged the floor too. Of course, in most cases you will notice this too and plan for it. Water may have traveled in some corners that you can’t see, however.

This is only for ceilings that had dripping leaks. If there is only discoloration on your walls, you don’t have to worry about the floor. There is no chance that the water somehow made it to the floor.

These were the additional costs, keep reading for more advice on the costs of repairing a water damaged ceiling.

What’s the average cost of ceiling repair projects?

The all in all cost of ceiling repair projects differs from household to household. I guess those with the largest damaged area pay the most. Nonetheless, it would be useful for you to know how much homeowners paid per project.

On average, the cost of a ceiling repair project is 330$-1100$. Those that wanted quality materials paid more. Those unfortunate with large area damage paid more. Also, in some cases the price is bigger because of the high hourly rate of the handyman.

The cost listed above includes the price of replacement parts, materials used, and repainting. The cost of mold cleaning is not included seeing as how it’s not necessary for all repairs.

Now that you know the average cost of ceiling repair projects you can start saving money so you can fix your ceiling. Make sure that you stopped the leak though. Also, run a dehumidifier in order to prevent mold growth.

How to get an estimate of how much it costs to repair my ceiling?

The smartest thing to do is measure the area damaged and calculate it with the material of the roof. See the costs listed above for each type of ceiling material. It would be good to plan ahead for the additional costs too.

Then, you need to decide which handyman you will hire. Consult with them for their fee. Ask if they will be buying the materials or you. When you know that, you can get the closest estimate.

Professionals vs DIY

I don’t mean to spark a debate, this is only so you can calculate better and see what’s best for you. I will go over the pros and cons, you decide what you’re going to do. Also, I know most of you want to cut costs and are thinking about the DIY way, so this will help you.

Hiring a professional

Now, the best thing about hiring a professional to fix your damaged ceiling is a job well done. A handyman will make sure that your ceiling looks flawless. A professional is just that because he/she has done that for quite some time. And you know what you say about practical things, practice makes perfect.

The other advantage to hiring a professional is that you don’t have to worry about the leak coming back. As I said before, a handyman will make sure that there is no possibility of a reoccurring leak. With the DIY way, there is always the doubt that your fix may not be reliable.

And, what most people like with hiring a professional is that you’re resting while others are working. Of course, you’re paying them to work. It’s not surprising that people like this. Having a damaged ceiling is stressful enough, you don’t have to add the stress of fixing it yourself.

The only disadvantage with professionals is that they can be quite expensive. Some homeowners don’t have that kind of money on hand. Others just don’t feel like spending money on something they feel they can do themselves.


What goes without saying is that fixing the damaged ceiling yourself will save you money. With DIY, the hourly rate of the handyman is gone and costs are significantly decreased. You only have to pay for the replacement parts and materials used,

The other good thing about DIY is taking pleasure in your work. Those that decide to fix things themselves do it because it’s a good experience for them. To be honest, there is no pleasure like the satisfaction of fixing something yourself. It gives you a boost of confidence and makes you feel useful.

Some people don’t like the DIY way because it takes too much time. If you’re on a tight schedule, DIY is probably not for you. You will be in a hurry to repair the ceiling as soon as possible and you may not do it properly. In addition, repairing a ceiling it’s quite labor-intensive.

Lastly, your expertise and the expertise of a handyman is not comparable. I’m not saying that you will do a bad job, but with a professional that’s not a possibility. More so, if you screw up, you can only blame yourself. If the handyman screws up, you can ask for your money back or free repairs.


As you can see there are pros and cons to both ways. It all comes down to personal preference. If you’re handy, feel confident, and have enough free time, there are really no cons to the DIY way. If you like to pay for something and have it done perfectly, professional help is probably for you.

That’s about it folks. I hope this is what you came here for. Good luck with your ceiling repairs and make sure to visit us with other water damage issues you may have.

Related questions

Should I call a handyman before knowing where the leak is coming from?

I wouldn’t say that this is the best idea. Although most handymen will accept checking for the leak, there’s a chance they wouldn’t be up for the job of fixing the leak. The handymen may not feel comfortable with fixing plumbing problems. Also, he may charge you his hourly rate for the time it took him to check for the leak. Even if he finds the leak, he can’t start fixing your ceiling before fixing the leak.

Should I worry about the handyman not doing a good job?

Saying that there isn’t a chance that the handyman will screw something up is absurd. However, situations like this are really rare. Also, the Internet gives you the possibility of checking who you hire before making the deal. So, be careful who you hire. In conclusion, I wouldn’t worry about the handyman, you can ask for a refund if the job isn’t done well.

Do handymen haggle?

Those that work independently sometimes do haggle. Handymen that work for companies don’t accept haggling, seeing as how marketing isn’t their job. You can ask the handyman to lower his price but be reasonable, you don’t want to make him mad.