Will A Dehumidifier Cool A Room?

Although a dehumidifier is mainly for eliminating moisture, many are wondering: Can you cool a room with it? If you feel like you can’t find a straight answer anywhere, that’s the answer is not simple.

I’ll try to be clear and answer your question right away.

A dehumidifier will not decrease the room temperature. It will only remove the humid air, so it will feel colder when in fact, it’s not. More precisely, it will make the air pleasant.

That’s the short answer, let’s move on to the thorough explanation, keep reading.

How does a dehumidifier work?

In order to find out how a dehumidifier “cools” a room, you must get a better understanding of how it works.

As you already know, a dehumidifier is used for eliminating moisture from the air. It does that by sucking the humid air with a built-in fan. Then, that air passes through a cold coil which removes the moisture.

The moisture is discharged to a container which stores the water. This is the container that you have to empty out from time to time.

So, if the moisture is eliminated by a cold coil which creates condensation, it means that it cools the room. Unfortunately, no. The dehumidifier releases the air back into the room. But before it does that, it heats it up to the same temperature as before. That’s why the room temperature will stay the same.

But why do people say that a dehumidifier cools a room?

Why does the room feel colder when the dehumidifier is running?

Now, this confusion whether dehumidifiers can also cool began because users were saying that they felt a change in temperature. They weren’t exactly right, but it’s true that their rooms felt like they were colder than before. So, what’s the catch?

Have you heard people complaining about the humid air in New Orleans or Orlando? Humid air is very unpleasant, and it feels warmer than dry air. High levels of humidity will make the air dense and heavy. Particles traveling in the air get stuck in it, so that doesn’t make it any better.

Our body prefers 30%-45% humidity, that’s where we feel the most pleasant. The air is easier to breath in and the room has a comfortable atmosphere. Also, sweating isn’t as bad in rooms with dry air, humid air makes it worse.

So, the reason why all those people feel colder with a dehumidifier is because they have never felt normal humidity. Not exactly never but they were used to humid air in their house. When that dehumidifier starts running you feel that effect. If you are in the same situation, after getting a dehumidifier, your room will feel colder.

That’s about it, let’s do a quick summary to round it up.


As we said, a dehumidifier will make the room feel colder because humid air feels warmer than dry air. However, there won’t be any change in the temperature. Don’t use a dehumidifier as an alternative to an AC unit.

Well, there’s your answer folks. Glad to help you out.

Related questions

Does a dehumidifier heats up a room?

No. A dehumidifier doesn’t change the temperature in the room. If you haven’t emptied the water container, the dehumidifier will not work properly. The humid air will make the room feel warm.

Which uses more electricity, AC or dehumidifier?

A regular AC wastes more energy than a dehumidifier does, even an energy efficiënt one. However, an inverter AC is the most energy efficient by far. If worried about energy consumption, buy energy efficient products.